APOLLO URP shaders

Download APOLLO URP shaders Asset For Unity
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APOLLO is a new custom PBR and Light-Based shader for the Unity Engine.
Other APOLLO collections:
* APOLLO PBR Mirror shader
* APOLLO for standard RP
For questions and support, visit the official Unity forum
Unity Connect
>Standard PBR Shader
>Standard CutOut PBR Shader
>Standard transparent PBR Shader
>Standard Translucent PBR Shader
>Standard Refractive PBR Shader
>1 Skybox shaders (with blur function)
> Light Manager
Standard APOLLO Shader support:
> Color
>Diffusion map
> Map full of RGB channels
> Roughness power
> The strength of metal
>Ambient Occlusion Power
> Surrounding occlusion map
>NormalMap + Power
> Emission color + power
> RGB emission map + power
*All functions are controlled using booleans, allowing you to have full control over shader size.
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“APOLLO URP Shaders delivers an advanced, high-quality collection of shaders for Unity’s Universal Render Pipeline, enhancing visual fidelity with customizable effects and stunning graphics. Perfect for developers looking to enhance their games.” no picture performance and aesthetics have increased.”