Sci Fi Hologram Shader v1.1: Free Download

Unity 3D – Sci Fi Hologram Shader Free Download
This Asset is paid , but now you can download Sci Fi Hologram Shader v1.1 FREE, This package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.
View Detail This Asset From Unity Store

- Easy to use
- All functions can be activated with switches
- Fresnel
- Voxelization
- Vertex and color defects
- Soft depth intersection
- Dissolve
- Alpha mask
- Line scanning
- ZWrite switch
- Option of face elimination mode
- Random offset (to randomize effects)
- Shaders can be edited in the Amplify Shader Editor.
The asset includes:
- 2 hologram shaders (with depth prepass and without depth prepass). A deep prepass is required when the network needs to self-close.
- 1 simple shader for soft holographic god rays
- Demo scene with 5 holographic effects set (Character, Earth, Terrain, Sci-fi weapon, Hologram wall)
- Hologram shaders use the custom Amplify Shader Editor Unlit Depth Mask template