Module Based City Pack v1.0: Free Download

Unity 3D – ENVIRONMENTS Free Download
This Asset is paid , but now you can download Module Based City Pack v1.0 FREE, This package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.
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With the module-based CityCreator, you get a complete city creator. You can create a complete city with a system of roads and sidewalks also with concrete slabs, with a working blueprint system. Many set prefabs with accelerators, physics. Animated fans, lamps, wires. Breakable, destructible most items. On a breakable object, you can set the damage value in the inspector panel – Damage script – values. The light cone of the street lamp always follows the player – camera, you need to add the Player tag.
Street lamps work in two stages of switching off, in the first stage the light source will flash, like error lights. In the next phase of the break, the lamp goes out, the post separates from the base and falls apart.
The fire hydrant also uses physics, if you crash into it the hydrant will flip up and turn on the water. You can set the object break limit in the inspector panel – BreakObject script – Health value. Many types of colors and materials for a realistic look. 8 different building styles and created basic and detailed building prefabs. And also available building modules that you can create your own buildings. You can change the materials for more variations.
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