Easy Save v2.6.3

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★ On Asset Store since 2011 ★
Why use Easy Save?
Serialize much more than other solutions…
Including Classes, Structures, GameObjects, Prefab Instances, Components, ScriptableObjects, Arrays, Dictionaries, Lists, HashSets, Queues, even references to Unity objects and much more
For amateurs…
It is easy to use and well documented, with or without code
For experts…
A fast, feature-rich and extremely flexible storage system
Regularly updated with new features…
Including encryption, compression, cloud, PlayMaker actions, caching, CSV tables and file IO
Compatible with
PC, Mac, Linux, Windows Universal, iOS, tvOS, Android, Oculus, Steam, WebGL
C#, Unity Visual Scripting, PlayMaker, Bolt
Integration with other storage APIs such as console or cloud services**
Fully documented
Wizards | Examples & Tutorials | API Reference | We’re getting started
Save with C# or without code with AutoSave
C# Reference|AutoSave
Support for PlayMaker, Bolt and Unity Visual Scripting*
Access easy saves from Bolt charts and Unity Visual Scripting
Save and load with PlayMaker actions
3rd party NodeCanvas and FlowCanvas integration**
Save almost any type
Our serializer was designed specifically for Unity
Unlike other systems, it can even serialize links
A fast and lightweight serializer
Using a JSON serializer designed specifically for Unity
5 star customer support
via email, dedicated forum and Discord
Secure data storage with encryption
Encrypt stored data
Compact files with compression
Makes files 85% smaller on average
Save and load from the cloud
Upload to a cloud database using PHP and MySQL
It also works with Steam Auto Cloud, Android Backup and iCloud Backup
Cross-platform save system
Use save files and code on all supported platforms
Serialize the data into a table
In CSV format for Excel
Much more flexible than PlayerPrefs
But just as easy to use
Unlike PlayerPrefs, File has IO
The serializer saves data directly to a file
Store strings/bytes as files
How to use Easy Save?
See the Getting Started guide
Contact us | Wizards | Documents | Forum | Contradiction | Let’s start | Home
*PlayMaker, Bolt, NodeCanvas, FlowCanvas are purchased separately.
** We are not responsible for third-party integrations or APIs and support for them is provided by the third party, not us.
Tags: save game system, load game, serialize, serialize, playerprefs, storage, upload, download, serialize, serialize, serialize, json, serialize, autosave, auto, save file, import, export file, encryption, cloud, excel, database , playerprefs, autosave, compression, gzip, es3
Easy Save v2.6.3 is a powerful Unity tool for seamless serialization and data saving. It allows developers to effortlessly save and load game data, player progress, and settings with minimal code. The plugin supports various data formats and encryption methods, making it an essential tool for creating robust and secure save systems in Unity games. Ideal for both novice and experienced developers looking to streamline their data management processes.