Cyclist Animations HD

Download Cyclist Animations HD Free Asset For Unity
This Asset is paid , but now you can download Cyclist Animations HD FREE, This package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.

well crafted and animated wheels and characters
complete animation of the game
all are animations in place
male cyclist:
safe suit top 1.4000 attempts
Hands 1.2k + gloves 1.6k attempts
Half shirt 1000 attempts
Head 1.8k attempts
Helmet 1.2k is trying
Running 316 attempts
legs 454 attempts
short 460 attempts
glasses 256 attempts
cleverly designed customization system
face detached, gloves, helmet set, body detached
you can get two different character skins
face detached, gloves, helmet set, body detached
you can get two different character skins
bike_01 has 4.8000 trials and 1000 textures
Watch the video and watch the animations