Cyber Punk VHS neon factory kitbash v1.0: Free Download

Unity 3D – SCI-FI ENVIRONMENTS Free Download
This Asset is paid , but now you can download Cyber Punk VHS neon factory kitbash v1.0 FREE, This package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.
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—– Cyber Punk VHS Neon Factory —–
Hello everyone – I’m Alexey Saveliev! I love the futuristic images and the cyberpunk theme. I have been working to create a beautiful scene for myself and all of you. Use and enjoy! Thank you very much for the attention you give to my work.
60 prefabs
A collection of sci-fi holo rendering shapes
Animated sci-fi holo screens
Texture atlases
PRO VR + PC + Mobile (need to remove post-processing)
Scenes include
post-process includes
AAA – quality
for unity 2018.2