BerserkerS1 Fatasy Warrior

Download Free BerserkerS1 Fatasy Warrior.
This Asset is paid , but now you can download BerserkerS1 Fatasy Warrior for FREE, This package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.
View Detail This Asset From Unity Store

The characters are designed for fighting games with a manipulated face
- There are many separate parts of characters
- Pack available for some basic animations for Battle Ax and locomotion.
- Use of hair and accessories
plugin by Will Hong. - Function:
* Facial treatment.
* More than 60 animations, ~10 facial expressions available.
* Including battle axe - “BerserkerS1 Fantasy Warrior: Download this detailed, high fantasy warrior character for your game or animation project. Ideal for adding epic battle scenes and engaging character design to your fantasy setting.”