Animal Controller

Download Animal Controller For Unity
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If you have problems upgrading or if the script causes errors, please remove the “MalbersAnimations/Common/” folder and reactivate again.
Animal Controller (AC) is an animation frame controller that can be used for any creature or humanoid characters, whether they are moving in roots or in place. It’s the base controller for all my assets, but can also be used with any other character in the Assetstore.
Based on a scriptable architecture, the work uses modular features that you can add or remove to perfectly suit the unique needs of your projects.
With over 100 tools included in the asset, you can tackle any situation without writing a single line of code.
Based on over five years of work, Animal Controller has been refined to perfection, resulting in a smooth and customizable controller that will enhance all your assets.
AC is based on statuses, modes, and stances.
States like moving, inactivity, jumping, falling, flying, swimming, climbing, gliding, dying, etc.
By combining all these features, you can create a cohesive character controller with seamless customization that will take your project to the next level.