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Complete Railway Model System

Complete Railway Model System

Complete Railway Model System free unity assets download

This Asset is paid , but now you can download Complete Railway Model System for FREE, This package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.
Railway Model System

How Railway Model System Works

New Mountain Tunnel System

At high level, the system has 3 core components:

– Editor window to create rail tracks and save in text file and scriptable asset.
– Create saved track at real time or create track prefab
– Train and wagons moving system

Plus 3 animated :

– Rail interchange system
– Rail crossing system
– Two rails to one interchange system

And a very powerful station panel control, where the player can :

– Interact with all rail interchange
– View all trains positions
– Change, based on current selected train, change speed, camera view etc…
– The player can also interact with rail interchange directly on railway while trains moves

With RailWay System, you can create:

– Railway Tracks
– Model Railway

What Can you do with created models:

– Save as prefab then use as you like
– Let your game users to create real time tracks then play with them
– Create Models Railway then create game level

Some features:

Complete Railway Model System
Complete Railway Model System

Download Complete Railway Model System for Unity

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